Our simple origins.
In the summer of 1986, Brisc Rubal convinced several of his close friends to invest in a little-known tech company at the time, called Apple. After several stock splits and a tech boom, the several hundred million dollars they all made was invested in a plot of land in rural northeast Pennsylvania that up to this point had been a dairy farm.

Over the years, Brisc Rubal and the investment group of Millpucky, Piercing, Big Bill The Boss, Merkelchen and Kalkin84 turned this farm into a small cottage industry of Goat and Alpaca products in addition to the continued dairy production.

A modest farm had grown, with all the products being sold via local farmers markets or donated to school districts.
The team partnered early with Bobs Trading Post to make Ice Cream which was one of our most popular items sold online via AOL’s first online grocery store and has been a county fair favorite in Allegheny, Fayette, Westmoreland and Cambria County fairs including experts to Swabia, Germany.
From Farm to Mission.
Up to this point, the farm was situated in a serene pasture valley in Kane PA, and provides over 2000 acres of Goat, Alpaca and Cow pastures to poor families in need of cheap land lease space for livestock.

In 2002 after seeing a young woman called a slut by a Baptist preacher for having a child at the age of 20 and out of wedlock, Brisc Rubal and his team converted about 8 acres of the farm into a hostel for young unwed mothers, partnering with the regional YWCA to provide a live in shelter and job training via the farms agriculture and commercial interests which eventually morphed into The Brisc Rubal Home for Hot Unwed Mothers.
We offer young women who since the dawn of man have been judged by the patriarchy as “hoes, whores, and loose women” a chance to give a middle finger to those who judge them by raising their children in a safe, farm environment while they gain valuable business and marketing skills.

As of 2021, BRHHUM has helped empower thousands of local single mothers with career and trade training, stable employment and free childcare. This allows them to flourish.
Not content to let success flounder, Brisc Rubal and the BRHHUM Board of Directors has set their sights on opening up a sister farm in Wimberly TX, led by the BRHHUM Director of Dairy Operations, Klavas. This farm is set to open in 2026.

Who is Brisc Rubal?
Brisc Rubal serves humbly both as the President and CEO of BRHHUM and as a father. Deciding longevity was key to this mission and figuring that video games and VR would be a method of outreach for future and allow us to morph the concept into a digital platform; he led BRHHUM into the MMO arena around early 2004.

Never wanting to pass up and opportunity to better the world around him be it analog or digital, Brisc Rubal has served with distinction on multiple EVE Online CSM panels and pre COVID-19 made an effort to attend as many fan fests as he could to reach out to the player base.
The Future of BRHHUM is bright!
BRHHUM‘s efforts in digital gaming, media and education exploration have borne fruit as 2024 will see the launch of our Wimberly TX sister farm to our Kane PA Headquarters, and in 2025 will see the launch a VR theme park on a soon to be launched revamp of Second Life. This will leverage Augmented Reality headsets for park visitors, and those at home via Oculus Rift’s, allowing BRHHUM visitors to explore the farms and fend of The Evil Olmeca as he battles our hero, Paramount Piercing for control of the BRHHUM Theme Park, which can be visited in Second Life II.
2025 will see the launch of the BRHHUM Online Academy, with physical campuses at both farms. These will allow our Single Mothers to receive accredited education in the form of Game Development, Music Production and Management & Online Media via a partnership with Karma Fleet University and its Dean Broodin.